How to get better rank in the Armada Strike Group
Hi Admiral! Ever wanted to know how to get better ranking to earn better rewards? Well, continue reading, I will tell you my secret!
The Armada Strike Group is an event that can only be called by Alliance Leaders, you will need to be in an alliance to participate, you can't participate in other alliances Armada Strike Groups neither.
This event can be done every 4 hours, you will need a R3, R4 or R5 to summon it so everyone can participate.
Armada Strike Group or also called ASG / Bomber / Batman, has 4 difficulty levels: 13, 22, 40 and 60. The attack is divided in 2 parts, the first one is Airstrike Only and the second are Rallies.
ASG Level 13 ⭐
Admirals needed: +1
Preferred Admiral Level: +20
Attack Window: 30 minutes
Durability: 20,000
Airstrikes: 85% of the durability
Rallies: 15% of the durability
- Very easy one.
- Not big rewards but it is better than nothing.
ASG Level 22 ⭐⭐
Admirals needed: +5
Preferred Admiral Level: +25
Attack Window: 20 minutes
Durability: 85,000
Airstrikes: 85% of the durability
Rallies: 15% of the durability
- You will have better rewards than level 13, such as XP, BPs, Silver, Medals and Gold.
- If you have stronger players then less admirals are needed or vice versa.
- It is a good way to get rewards when your alliance is small and don't have much fire power.
ASG Level 40 ⭐⭐⭐
Admirals needed: +5
Preferred Admiral Level: +27
Attack Window: 20 minutes
Durability: 200,000
Airstrikes: 75% of the durability
Rallies: 25% of the durability
- This is the max level that most alliances can do.
- Rewards are very good: 1m XP for top 5, Jet BPs, Silver, Boosts, Medals and Gold.
- Strong players are needed to beat it.
(NEW) ASG Level 55 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Admirals needed: +20
Preferred Admiral Level: 30-32
Attack Window: 20 minutes
Durability: 2,000,000
Airstrikes: 75% of the durability
Rallies: 25% of the durability
- Recently added due to our constant complaints asking for an intermediate level between asg 40 and 60.
- Not easy to beat, however it is easier than 60.
- Rewards are not big deal, almost the same as 40.
- So far it is better to do a 40 and beat it in 1 min than a 55, use a lot of resources to repair the jets and get the same rewards as a level 40.
ASG Level 66 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Admirals needed: +30
Preferred Admiral Level: 31 - 32
Attack Window: 15 minutes
Durability: 4,000,000
Airstrikes: 75% of the durability
Rallies: 25% of the durability
- Super strong players and planes are needed to have a chance.
- ASG Durability is insane.
- Attack window is shorter than anyone else.
- If you think lvl 55 is easy, try this level.
ASG Strategies
Armada Strike Group rank works giving the best ranks to those admirals that did more damage during both stages: airstrikes and rallies. Anti / Air attack is the key here.
So, in order to have a better rank, you have to do more damage. Strong planes and ships is the obvious way to get higher, however, what if there are many admirals in the same level as you?
Never use submarines in an ASG rally, they don't have Anti / Air skills. You will lose stamina and time.
Location, location, location
Yes, like the most important thing in a property, it is the same with the ASG. Unless you are a level +29 with strong planes, your closeness to the bomber matters.
Placing your carrier near the Strike Group will help you get better rank. I have identified 3 main areas during the event.
In the picture above you can see 3 rings surrounding the B-2 bomber.
Green Ring: those are in the front line, it is the best spot to score a better rank, why? because your planes and ships will return to your carrier sooner than most of the admirals behind, that means you will be able to do more and faster attacks.
Those in the front line should be responsible of making enough rallies for the admirals behind them, that way all will have room to join. Making too many rallies could interfere and become a problem, rallies will never be filled.
Admirals with lag should never been in this area. It is important to be quick and aware.
Yellow Ring: it is a good spot for those who are not very familiar with the event and don't want to have the responsibility of doing rallies. But, if they have many admirals behind them, then it is a good practice to help and make some rallies.
Red Ring: are mostly those who joined late and are behind the first 2 rings. To have a good rank in this place you must be a strong player, apply some boosts or have fast planes and ships.
Admirals in this area should not make rallies, it has no sense for those in front to go back to then sail to the front. Unless there are enough players here to join a rally, then it is not recommended to do it.
Be fast!
Been fast will help you be able to make more attacks which mean more damage. Be fast sending airstrikes and be fast making or joining rallies. Each attack counts!
Remember, you can only airstrike 20 times the bomber before the 30 secs timer appears, so, make the 20 attacks fast, wait for the timer and do it again until you reach the rally stage.
Depending on the difficulty, airstrike stage could be 75% or 85% of the bomber durability, so it is important to do as much damage as possible especially at this stage.
In the rally attack stage join as much rallies as possible. Always send full fleet (5 ships) unless your last fleet is incomplete for carrier capacity reasons.
Additional TIPS
Carriers have extra skills when deploying from them, use them to increase the attack, armor and durability of your ships and planes.
Join strong players rallies. They usually have better buffs and you can use their carrier skills in your favor, that should increase the amount of damage done.
Keep your planes and ships upgraded.
Use Agency AESA Radar buff when you see many contenders with similar power.
Set your Admirals Skills to Aerial Operations before summoning the ASG.
Don't forget to do plane research in the Lab: Anti / Air ATK, Durability and Armor.
If you are going to use your carrier to attack the bomber, keep your best Anti Air Planes onboard.
UPDATE 19/08/2020
Some alliances reported having killed the ASG 66! It is still very rare but we are getting there! 👏👏👏
Credit: Cobra33
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