Advanced Strategies for City Conquest

Advanced Strategies for City Conquest  

Hi admirals, in this post I will teach you some advanced strategies to conquer your desired city!

There are 28 cities in the game with 10 buffs that you and your alliance can conquer every week, you can hold up to 3 cities. 
  • You have to be part of an alliance.
  • You can't conquer it alone, you have to do it with at least another admiral of your alliance. 
Let's take a closer look to each city and buffs:

 Shanghai  Ship Durability: 20%  Wednesday 11:00
 Vancouver  Construction Speed: 10%  Wednesday 11:00
 Djibouti  Construction Speed: 10%  Wednesday 11:00
 Suez  Research Speed: 10%   Wednesday 11:00
 Hamburg  Jet ATK: 20%  Wednesday 19:00
 Barcelona  AFV ATK: 20%   Wednesday 19:00
 Istambul  AFV Survival Rate: 20%  Wednesday 19:00
 Kaohusiung  Research Speed: 10%  Wednesday 19:00
 Tokyo  AFV ATK: 20%  Thursday 03:00
 Rio de Janeiro  Jet Durability: 20%  Thursday 03:00
 Melbourne  Sailing Speed: 20%  Thursday 03:00
 Jakarta  Collecting Speed: 30%  Thursday 03:00
 Marseille  Ship ATK: 20%  Thursday 11:00
 Genoa  Jet Durability: 20%  Thursday 11:00
 Thessaloniki  Sailing Speed: 20%  Thursday 11:00
 Lima  Research Speed: 10%  Thursday 11:00
 Rotterdam  Construction Speed: 10%  Thursday 19:00
 Mumbai  AFV Survival Rate: 20%  Thursday 19:00
 Buenos Aires  Collecting Speed: 30%  Thursday 19:00
 Veracruz  Collecting Speed: 30%  Thursday 19:00
 Vladivostok  Jet ATK: 20%  Friday 03:00
 Busan  Construction Speed: 10%  Friday 03:00
 Dubai  Collecting Speed: 30%  Friday 03:00
 Casablanca  Research Speed: 10%  Friday 03:00
 San Diego  Ship ATK: 20%  Friday 11:00
 Portsmouth  Ship Durability: 20%  Friday 11:00
 Panama City  Sailing Speed: 20%  Friday 11:00
 Hong Kong  Sailing Speed: 20%  Friday 11:00

As you see, the Buffs are very good and interesting, unfortunately you can only own 3 cities so, your alliance will have to decide which ones interest the most.

For starting alliances and players, I suggest to go for Construction, Research or Collecting buffs, that will help to grow faster. But, if your alliance is top 3, then you will be more interested in power so, Ship, Jet or AFV attack and durability will be the better choice. 

However, there is no best combination of cities, it will depend on each alliance needs.  

Here comes the fun... To own a city you must conquer and keep it for 20 mins. If there are no contenders then it will be a piece of cake but, if you have to battle, then bellow are some strategies you might want to try.

1 - Sink the bloody carriers 😈

Sinking your enemies to keep the area clear and conquer the city in peace, is the most basic strategy, but it is the most aggressive too. Also, you might be breaking some server rules, for example: non attacking outside admiral days or during city conquest. ⚠Use it with caution and always double check the server rules before attacking an admiral.

2 - Royal attack🗡

Using server elements to attack a more powerful alliance can be an option to make them retreat. A Royal Armada hive can help you with that.

If you see the enemies carriers between a Royal Armada hive and the city in conquest, place your carriers further than them from the hive. Start to airstrike the royal bases, they will probably rally the closest carrier, if it is an enemy carrier he will be forced to move or try to defend the attack (which is very hard to do).

Royal hive should not be far from the carriers you would like to be attacked, likely no more than 400km.    

3 - Defending the city

To defend the city you must have troops inside it. I recommend: send full and the strongest afvs you have, mixed ships (that means using submarines, destroyers and frigates) and good planes. That way your enemy will have it harder to conquer the city.

The trick here is to always have a second rally waiting on the base even though you are defending the city. Send the rally after each enemy attack, whether to replace the broken troops or to conquer the city again. 

Don't underestimate the enemy, if he finds fresh troops each time he attacks, he will have it harder to defeat you. Keep 1 or 2 rallies ready to sail (disable auto sail) . Replace the troops after each enemy attack! 

4 - Attacking a conquered city

Remember what I wrote about the most important TIP in my first post? check it here. It is imperative that you always know what your enemy troops are, to do so you can watch the ships while they are joining the rally or, if the city is already conquered, airstriking will reveal them. Use the natural enemy to take advantage over your opponent. 

If the enemy is powerful, you might need to send 2 or more rallies at the same time, that way he will be overwhelmed and you will have better chances to conquer the city. If you succeed, replace your defending ships for newer ones and use the defensive strategy mentioned above. 

Do you know any other strategy? Share it in the comments!
